American citizens awarded the Medal of Ushakov
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 520 of August 21, 2020, the Medal of Ushakov was awarded to 17 US citizens for their part in the Arctic convoys that transported supplies and military equipment to the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945:
- William Speight BURTON,
- David Eugene BAKER,
- Richard BURBINE,
- Raymond Edward WEIGAND Jr.,
- Leo Joseph GOULET,
- Issie DEITSCH,
- Michael KEMPLE,
- George Henry KOCH,
- Richard LANDOLFI,
- James Baker NORTH III,
- Wallace Leroy ORSUND,
- Howard William PFEIFER,
- Wilbert Frank ROZUM,
- Hugh Мart STEPHENS,
- Dale Paul STRAUSSER,
- Trygve HANSEN.
The presentation of state awards of the Russian Federation is a recognition of personal courage and valor of American veterans.
Tanks, planes, cars, food and raw materials were sent across the North Atlantic from countries of the anti-Hitler coalition to the USSR via the Lend-Lease program. In harsh Arctic weather conditions, the convoys had to fight back against German warships and suffered attacks of enemy air force and submarines. Thousands of sailors lost their lives as a result.
The Arctic convoys made an important contribution to achieving the common Victory over Hitler's Germany. In Russia, the assistance provided by the allies is held sacred.
The dedication of participants of the Arctic convoys serves as an outstanding example of heroism for future generations.
We wish all the awardees good health and prosperity!
1 августа 2021 года в день 77-й годовщины освобождения города Каунаса (Литва) от немецко-фашистских захватчиков советник-посланник Сергей Рябоконь и военный атташе при Посольстве России в Литве Олег Давлетзянов совместн...
01 Aug 2021