Today marks the 82nd anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR
Today marks the 82nd anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR.
Sergey Lavrov during Government Hour at the Federation Council on December 23, 2019: We have seen, in recent years, an actual history aggression against Russia which started long before the events of February and March 2014. Our country, the former Soviet Union, the constituent republics of which have done so much to defeat fascism, is blamed for sharing responsibility for the outbreak of World War II with Hitler. I believe the discussion that has been unfolding in recent years has been spearheaded by our Western colleagues. So, if they shamelessly distort history, if they want to see in history only what is good for them and keep silent about what their predecessors did in their high posts on the eve of World War II and shortly after World War I, then a deep study of the sources and documents is the only answer.
The state of affairs in Europe on the day before signing the document and the sabotage of the USSR's diplomatic efforts to create an anti-Hitler coalition - in our retrospective. Causes and consequences

1 августа 2021 года в день 77-й годовщины освобождения города Каунаса (Литва) от немецко-фашистских захватчиков советник-посланник Сергей Рябоконь и военный атташе при Посольстве России в Литве Олег Давлетзянов совместн...
01 Aug 2021